On Friday afternoon our nurse notice a golf ball size bulge on Joshua's left side abdominal. At the time the doctor (not our primary) on call said it looked like a abdominal hernia but it was nothing to worry about (easy for him to say).
Today, they took an ultrasound and notice it was not a hernia it was his kidney pushing other organs to the left side making his abdominal very weak. Our surgeon stated it's nothing to worry about and if needed he can insert a patch to help his abdominal.
Joshua will have surgery tomorrow afternoon, and will be back on IV fluids for several days. This is a surgery so he will be given morphine during this procedure. It will be approximately 2 hours long including preparations. Of course with any type of surgery there is a risk of infection, and a possibility of a blood transfusion. We are just praying that everything will go as plan and no complications will occur.
The doctor stated that if everything goes as plan, Joshua might be home sometime early next week. Within this week we have to do the following before we can be discharge CPR class/ training, car seat test/class (Joshua must be on 1 hour without any vital changes), 2 month vaccinations and RSV vaccination. Crossing our fingers that all goes well so we can go home next week.