Our neonatologist this evening was Dr.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Joshua will be on T.V....
Joshua’s temperature is a bit high, but they have been giving him antibiotics to help it
go down. The nurse stated that it takes about 24 hours to see a significant difference. The results of the test that will determine if he has an infection will arrive on Sunday. If he does have an infection the surgery will be delay further, and Joshua will be on antibiotics for 10 days. Joshua overall is stable and very active when were around. We have seen him cry , get irritated when being touch a few times.
Our neonatologist this evening was Dr.
Arnold from the T.V show Little Couple on TLC. She asked me and my sister (Miriam) if we can be film for her show. We agree, and Dr. Arnold just went over Joshua’s present condition and talked about Joshua’s x-ray picture. Hopefully when this episode airs in mid December, Joshua will be home to watch.
Our neonatologist this evening was Dr.
No surgery today....
Joshua's surgery has been cancel due to a possibility of a infection. His temperature has been around 98 -99 since yesterday. The surgeon doesn't want to risk his stable condition so wants to wait until Monday. They are running test on Joshua to determine if he actually has a infection, if so he will be giving antibiotics.
The big day.....
Joshua did great today( Thursday)...he keeps on staying strong every minute. The surgery is set for Friday morning and should be over at 1:00pm. During Surgery Joshua wi
ll be under general anesthesia (asleep and not able to feel pain). The surgeon will make a surgical cut in his abdomen under the upper ribs to be able to reach the organs of the abdomen. Then he will gently pulls these organs down into place through the opening in the diaphragm and into the abdominal cavity.Then the surgeon will repair the hole in the diaphragm, and a plastic patch may be used to cover the hole in the diaphragm if Joshua doesn't have enough tisssue. We are praying for Joshua to do well during the surgery and recover within 24 hours.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Joshua on the right path to recovery
Joshua continues to stay stable and is heading to the right direction. Surgery is still set on Friday morning. We will continue to pray that Joshua will stay strong and have a successful surgery.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Neonatologist updated us this morning and stated the following:
- The blood transfusion went well last night without any negative reactions.
- He has started to urinate this morning. (due to blood transfusion)
- He is still consider stable but critical until the 48-72 hrs time period.
- The surgery is still schedule for Friday, unless he is put on ECMO or any other complications occur.
- The ventilator is giving him 50 % oxygen and 40 beats per minute (BPM). (compare to 60 bpm yesterday)This numbers change hourly, it just depends on many different factors.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Both sides of his head have been shaved in an effort of finding a main vein. After countless of unsuccessful tries in grabbing a vein, they eventually decided to run the iv through his groin area. This iv will help the proc
ess of the blood transfusion. If he continues to do well , the surgery will be on Friday. Joshua is also having trouble with his bowel movement, we are hoping that it will improve tomorrow.
Joshua has gone through a
llot today, and continues to be a strong baby. He has been poke by a needle several times. He had a risky surgery after the unsuccessful attempts of finding a vein. Also, Melissa finally met Joshua today, and touch his little hands.
Joshua has gone through a
Joshua doing better.....
Melissa is doing well, of course she is in pain becasue of the c-section. She will see Joshua later today when they finish all the exams. We will also talk to our doctor and surgeon to update us with more detail information.
Joshua in NICU
This was taken last night around 10:00pm, Joshua was receiving 100% oxygen. The doctor said he is working too hard breathing, but not enough to sedate him. He can't open his eyes due to all the stress he has gone through.
We are now contacting friends and family to inform them about Joshua's condition. We decided to keep Joshua's health condition private during pregnancy because of the stressful and emotional situation we were in when we first found out. Now that Joshua is out in the world , we would love lots of prayers and support.
Joshua is out...

C-Section went well, and Joshua was born at 8:08 pm. His weight was 6lb 6oz and 20 inches long. Joshua responded very well to the ventilator. He didn't go on ECMO or put on any sedatives. The picture shows Joshua crying while being put on the ventilator. I went to visit him about 2:00 am and he was doing better then earlier. The nurses and doctors said that it's looking good compared to what they were expecting. Doctor told me it is better if he does not receive any visitors because any voices he hears or touching stimulates Joshua and increase his heart rate. They also stated that it can change to the worst, CDH babies are hard to predict. He still has a long road ahead, but so far doing great.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Melissa took epidural injection and doing fine...now just waiting for her to dilate more. She is still at 4 cm, we are waiting for the doctor to check her again.
The water is out.....
Melissa is still at 4 cm, but Dr.Adam pop her bag so that she can start dilating....They want Joshua out before 5:00pm today. She still has no severe pain, but expected to take the epidural soon.....
UPDATE !! She is Dilating
The doctor assistant check on Melissa and stated she is already dilating. He said she is up to 3-4 cm, and just waiting for stronger contractions. He will call Dr. Adam to update her, and Joshua might come earlier then plan. Melissa is not feeling any pain yet, and Joshua has dropped.
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