Joshua- 4 months

Joshua- 4 months
March 9, 2010

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Joshua's still hanging in there....

Joshua’s temperature has improved since yesterday, from 99.0 to 98.5. Our nurse indicated that the temperature is better but he will still be on antibiotics. Some of Joshua’s results came back, and the flu, and other infection test came back negative. His white blood cells (fights infections) came back normal. We are still waiting for one more test tomorrow (Sunday) to determine if he has any other type of infection. Joshua also had a problem today regarding having too much air in his stomach and intestines. After making some changes with his tubes in his stomach, some air was released. They will continue to monitor this situation throughout the night. Also, Joshua has been trying to grab the tubes from his mouth all day, and has been very active. The doctor recommended that he will be given more drugs to sedate him. Overall the doctor stated he is doing just fine but yesterday (Friday) was better.


  1. I'm so glad the tests are coming back negative. This little boy is determined to come home soon! Hang in there Joshua everyone can't wait for you to come home.

  2. Melly - Vanessa said the baby is cute cute cute. Alexis said I love you Melly for the baby coming out... so cute... I love him....God Bless Baby Joshua. (she knows cause we always say our prayers at nite) Joshua - everything will be ok...stay strong for your surgery on Monday. Hope to see u soon! God Bless Us All! :0

    ~Sanchez Family~
