Joshua- 4 months

Joshua- 4 months
March 9, 2010

Friday, November 27, 2009

Two step back......

Yesterday was a great day, but today................ is a whole different story. Since 3:00am this morning Joshua has had a high heart rate of 210-220, but should be in between 100-200. The doctors assume it might be an infection or he might need more fluid. They have poked him a few times to get some blood, and now we are waiting for the results. If they have to continue giving him fluids, they will have to put back the oxygen tube back in. (2.22Pm). As of right now the doctors are going to give him a blood transfusion and wait another four hours to see how his heart rate is doing before they put the tube back in.


  1. come on joshy stay strong baby!!

  2. You can do it Joshua. Everyone is waiting on you!
