Joshua- 4 months

Joshua- 4 months
March 9, 2010

Monday, November 9, 2009

UPDATE !! She is Dilating

The doctor assistant check on Melissa and stated she is already dilating. He said she is up to 3-4 cm, and just waiting for stronger contractions. He will call Dr. Adam to update her, and Joshua might come earlier then plan. Melissa is not feeling any pain yet, and Joshua has dropped.


  1. You go girl! You are tougher than you thought! I'm glad things are moving along.

  2. Meli,
    You're doing great!! I'm so proud of you. You'll get to meet your sweet baby in just a few hours!

  3. Jose and Melissa

    Sandy, the kids and I are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. We are looking forward to meeting baby Joshua.

  4. Thanks for all the comments, I'm reading the comments to Melissa and she really appreciates it.
