Joshua- 4 months

Joshua- 4 months
March 9, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Joshua is HOME!!

It has been 2 very busy days for us back at home, but we are doing great.Joshua was fussy his first night home, we stayed up all night trying to soothe him. He did have a spit up after arriving home because of the long drive home. Joshua is attach to a oxygen tank and a monitor, it will take us a little time to adjust carrying it around the house.

Today Joshua had his first visit to his pediatrician, and everything looked great (weight, length, head size, color). The pediatrician has had CDH patients before and stated Joshua should be off from the oxygen/feeding tube hopefully no later than his 1st birthday. She emphasizes the only thing that can set him back is if he gets any bacteria infections (caused by germs).

We want to thank all the front desk receptionist for the nicu, nurses, doctors, specialist, surgeons and The Ronald Mcdonald House at Texas Children Hospital.

A very special thanks to the following nurses that were there for us....
Day: Sarah, Rossana, Robin & Nancy
Night: May, Esther, Allison and her partner the night Joshua arrived in the ECMO room.
You guys made it easy for us to sleep, we don't know what we would have done without you guys!

Thanks to the blue team doctors....especially when Joshua first arrived, we were soooooo blessed for having these doctors.
Dr.Jonhson, Dr.Rios, & Dr.Cho, they were there from the very beginning.

Thanks to Dr.Adam who delivered Joshua, and gave us so much hope during the pregnancy. Another very very special Thanks to Dr.Cass the surgeon who had a very big part in saving Joshua's life.

As we were getting ready to leave the hospital the doctors reminded us about how important it was to keep Joshua safe in order not to return back into the NICU. Practice good hand washing, keep sick visitors away and make sure for at least the next couple of months people who come and visit Joshua have there flu shot.

SO again we want to make sure everyone understands we would love for Joshua to meet you and he is ready when you are, BUT we ask that you do have your flu shot. We don't want anything to cause Joshua to be back in the hospital. Other then that we would love to see you and we appreciate you understanding us wanting to keep our baby as healthy as can be.


  1. You guys are so blessed and lucky to have such a sweet baby boy. He is going to do great. Lots of babies don't sleep at night it won't last long. You guys hang in there! I hope to see you soon.

  2. I am so happy for you guys!!! It was a privilege to take care of Joshua on his birth day and to watch him grow while in the NICU....take care!! Allyson J.

  3. We are so happy that Joshua is home :)

  4. Melly, Josh looks great! Cutie pie looks like a big boy already. Hope to see you all soon! Love always!
